POW’s Purpose

POW is the outdoor movement for climate impact, powered by the world’s most inspirational athletes, artists and brands. We advocate for transformative policy solutions to tackle the climate crisis head-on.

What We Can Accomplish Together

None of the work POW does is possible without the help of the Outdoor State™, the 175 million people who love the outdoors. Here’s how we can make an impact together.

Stoke The Vote

This election season, we’re redefining Get Out The Vote by meeting the Outdoor State on rides, runs, at mountain film festivals, and on Strava. Our goal? Engage 45 million outdoor enthusiasts to make their voices heard at the polls. Now, that’s going to make a powerful impact.

Pass Climate Legislation

In 2022, we helped pass the largest climate legislation ever—the IRA. This year, we helped introduce new legislation on grid transmission and went to DC to lobby for it. Glamorous? No. Mission critical for renewable energy? Heck yes.

Protect Public Lands

Keep yer mitts off our lands. We’re protecting public lands from fossil fuel and mineral development. This year, we are safeguarding rivers, canyons, and mountains in Colorado, Nevada, and Alaska.

Tell Stories to Inspire Change

Oscar worthy? We think so. Each year we support 5-10 films led by and starring our athletes that approach important, uncomfortable topics like bipartisanship in Jeremy Jones’ Purple Mountains and imperfect advocacy in Amie Engerbretson’s The Hypocrite.

Educate & Train on Climate

Climate impact is technical and complex, but we make it approachable through 300+ trainings every year and we create resources for the Outdoor State on how to take action like The Climate Advocates Guidebook.

Amplify Our Voices Globally

Our athletes represent  POW and inspire action on global stages. Check out where our Alliance has shown up for POW: 

Connect With Our Alliance

Our not-so-secret sauce? Meet the POW Alliance! A community of athletes, scientists, artists and brands. This dream team connects POW to the Outdoor State™, igniting a global movement where passion meets advocacy.


Big Community.
Bigger Impact.

Want to protect the places you love from climate change? Look no further than this community.