This Friday, we’ll be hosting our 3rd annual “Burritos & Bloodies” breakfast at SIA and we’re thrilled to have POW board member, Harvard Professor and climate activist, Dr. Naomi Oreskes delivering this year’s keynote speech.

Dr. Oreskes is a professor of the History of Science at Harvard University and the author of the ground-breaking, best-selling book and SONY feature film, “Merchants of Doubt”. Oreskes is responsible for unveiling the coordinated strategy of misinformation and doubt employed by the fossil fuel industry to confuse the public about the science behind climate change, just as the tobacco industry did with cigarettes’ health effects. Most recently, Oreskes was part of the group responsible for uncovering ExxonMobil’s knowledge of its climate impacts as far back as 1970.

The New York Times refers to Oreskes as a “boxer, throwing herself into a messy public arena that many career-minded climate scientists try to avoid.”

Trust us, you’re not going to want to miss this, so join us bright and early for some Finlandia bloodies and delicious breakfast burritos at 7:30am Friday morning (January 27). Snag first chair – or at least be one of the first 50 people in the door -and you’ll will receive a signed copy of her book.