How To Recall
How To Recall
This animation and poem will communicate that solving climate change means a reorientation towards our natural connections with the outdoors. Through animation and spoken word, we will highlight the stark reality of our society’s exploitative ways, but we will also, importantly, show the simple reality of our human connection to our environment. The animation and poem will arc towards a reflection of who and what we are – and how we go beyond our current entrenchments that have harmed our planet.
Written by: Christopher Blevins
Directed by: Nico Schiavone
Produced by: Protect Our Winters // Stilspoke // Nico Schiavone // Christopher Blevins
Music and Sound Design by: David Goldman // Robby Fields
Animation by: Nico Schiavone
Watercolor by: Marley Seifert
Edited by: Ryder Schwartz