Remember allll the way back at the beginning of March when we launched #CrushIt4Climate? (We know, it feels like a million years ago for us too). #CrushIt4Climate started on March 1 as a way to bring people who love the outdoors together while supporting POW’s efforts to educate, organize and advocate on climate change. Since then, more than 400,000 people have been inspired to embark on a climate advocacy journey while scaling and achieving their goals––even as times grew tough.
“The original goal was to raise both funds for POW and awareness on climate issues, but now #CrushIt4Climate has evolved into something bigger; a beacon of hope and positivity for those who love the outdoors. It’s been inspiring for me to see how many people are not only getting involved, but also encouraging their parents, and friends to keep moving,” said POW Alliance member Jim Morrison. “During a time of uncertainty, setting goals and keeping moving can be a refuge; whether in your living room or in the mountains for those who are fortunate to have outdoor places in their backyards.”
But #CrushIt4Climate didn’t stop with living room wall sits and backyard squat challenges. While the U.S. quarantined and adopted social distancing practices halfway through March, the POW community found new ways to connect. #CrushIt4Climate grew from a physical challenge to a challenge of creative climate solutions. The creativity and motivation of the outdoor community throughout a crisis is truly inspiring.
POW Founder Jeremy Jones made the shift by challenging people to reach out to relatives or friends you haven’t always agreed with and find common ground:
Before the lock down I set out to interact with outdoor enthusiasts with different political/climate views for #crushit4climate month. Danny is a local miner and splitboarder I met on a previous trip to Nevada. His truck has a “friends of coal” sticker next to a “Keep Tahoe Blue” sticker. A month later I was able to reconnect with him. We spent a day hiking a series of chutes and talking climate, politics, mountains and snowboarding. At one point we followed some big cat tracks and later goat tracks. It was magical. There were many things we agreed on and a few we disagreed on. My main takeaway is that we need to be able to have hard discussions without the toxic venom that is so often seen in today’s media. We are all in this together and we need to figure out how to move forward together. The collective effort to slow down the Corona virus has been very encouraging. I challenge you to reach out to that relative or friend you disagree with and have a civil conversation for #crushit4climate month. Of course 6ft apart or over the phone :). Start with things you agree on. Beer? Coffee? Sports? Clean water and air? #purplemountainproject
POW Alliance member Josh Jespersen challenged himself to talk with 31 elected officials (for each day in March) about public lands and climate.
Raise Green challenged people to stay home and CrushIt4Climate by creating a community solar project with their help.
Although March is closing out and the first wave of #CrushIt4Climate is coming to an end, the movement isn’t over. Even during uncertain times, we promised to help you protect the outdoor places and lifestyles you love––so keep crushing it for climate, and we will too.
We especially want to hear how you’re crushing it so we can share it and inspire others. Taking a walk to clear your head? Talking about climate change with friends? Challenging your buds to call their representatives? Get POW in the loop!
Send us photos, videos, sketches, paintings, Tik Toks or however else you express yourself showing off how you’re taking #CrushIt4Climate to the next level.