Podcasts For Your Holiday Drive

By: Holly Chase

We’ve all been there: you’re driving to your holiday celebration and hit that inevitable radio dead zone…good thing you’ve already pre-downloaded some sweet podcasts to make the drive go by quicker. We want to help you out with some *hot pods* that not only talk about the work we do at Protect Our Winters, but also delve into the stories of our founder, employees and Alliance members.

Type Two: Episode 003 – Jake Black

In this podcast with POW’s Program Manager Jake Black, we learn about Jake’s prior career as a professional snowboarder, and how his desire to give back to the industry pointed him toward Protect Our Winters.

Best bet if: you’ve always wanted to hear the POW story through the eyes of a pro snowboarder turned employee.

You Feel Me?: Episode 36 – Jeremy Jones

If you’ve never heard the Protect Our Winters origin story from the man who created it himself, pro snowboarder Jeremy Jones is a great storyteller in this podcast hosted by Skullcandy. Jeremy dishes out a POW policy masterclass on how to be a climate advocate in the modern age.

Best bet if: you want to understand some of the nitty-gritty climate politics that exist in the U.S. and want to hear personal anecdotes from Jeremy’s life seeing the impacts from climate change around the world.

Foot Stuff Podcast: Episode 086 – Protect Our Winters

U.S. Olympic Biathlete and POW Alliance member Maddie Phaneuf gives us a background of biathlon (maybe the most difficult sport?), and hosts Matt Baer, Tyler Socash, Wade Bastian and Jeremy Utz who banter about outdoor and climate news as well as get the POW lowdown from Maddie (including her lobbying trips to D.C.)!

Best bet if: you want to hear about some recent climate news, especially focused on the Northeast! Hot tip: Skip to minute 16 to hear from Maddie.

Climate Changers with Ryan Flahive – Kerstin Ulf

Our Brand Director Kerstin Ulf meets up with podcast host Ryan Flahive to discuss the basic idea behind Protect Our Winters and the data we’re using to understand our communities and their motivations.

Best bet if: you want to learn more about the facts that drive our work at Protect Our Winters.

Climate Changers with Ryan Flahive – The Aspen Way with Auden Schendler

Auden Schendler is the Senior Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company and has been dedicated to corporate sustainability for decades, as well as an engaged member of POW’s Board of Directors.

Best bet if: you’ve wondered about how ski areas are trying to become sustainable, how Aspen Skiing Company is tackling climate change and their relationship with POW.

The Bootpack: Episode 13 – Protect Our Winters Panel Discussion

This podcast features a POW panel from the Vamoose Rendezvous Festival in Salt Lake City from this past September 2019. The panel guest list includes host Griffin Siebert, Olympic snowboarder Sage Kostenburg, POWDR Corp Sustainability Director Laura Schaffer, University of Utah assistant professor Dr. McKenzie Skiles and Utah Clean Energy Renewable Energy Program Manager Kate Bowman.

Best bet if: you’re wondering about the impact of climate change from many different perspectives and want a specific look into Utah’s 100% Renewable campaign. Dr. McKenzie Skiles also lays down some great climate science 101 facts!