Last week, we teamed up with Aspen Center for Environmental Studies and descended on the 2017 Audi FIS World Cup to elevate the discussion around climate change and empower people to take action. Temperatures soared above 60°F each day of the event, not only creating difficult conditions for racing, but also making climate action more urgent than ever. This set the stage for the community to mobilize and Phone It In!
We focused on two pressing policies throughout the week, the Methane Rule and the Clean Power Plan. POW Board Member and Riders Alliance athlete, Chris Davenport kicked it off by making his own call to Governor John Hickenlooper, asking him to implement the Clean Power Plan. The community followed his lead by hopping in our phone booth to call their own governors, asking them to move forward with the Clean Power Plan by reducing emissions from the power sector, regardless of whether or not the federal government decides to kill the plan.
Our community also called their senators, asking them to vote to keep the Methane Rule to ensure that the current restrictions on leaking this potent greenhouse gas from drilling and fracking are upheld. Thanks to all the calls made to our elected officials over the course of the week, our community’s voice was heard loud and clear all over the country!
The fight’s still not over though. We need to keep phoning it in and letting our officials know that they need to support the Clean Power Plan and the Methane Rule. Continue to Phone It In here!
Thanks to The Environment Foundation, Aspen Ski Company, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, and everyone in attendance for helping us further our advocacy efforts!